Tuesday, 20 August 2013

How can you tap into the power of Law of Attraction Healer John McGrath?

Psychologists, New Age thinkers, psychic healers and religious leaders, all talk about the Law of Attraction. Whether you are skeptic or a believer, at some point in time in your lifetime you may begin to believe in the power of the Universe and the Law of Attraction. 
Life is made up of the five senses sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. As humans we work with these senses every day but also their very limitation confines us to our view of the world and how we perceive in our sphere of understanding. If we talk about intuition and sixth sense, we can’t explain it with a mathematical theory, but we all admit that there is something called the sixth sense that we all perceive at some point in our lives but cannot fully comprehend. 

Is the Law of Attraction some mysterious phenomenon? Healer John McGrath says certainly not! There are certain methods you can apply in your life to get a positive effect of this natural phenomenon.

·         First of all your intention should be absolutely clear. You can write it down in a vision statement in absolute clarity or you can sit and visualize a positive outcome. In the material life there are four important areas where you want to see a tangible positive effect namely, health, relationships, financial and future aspirations.

·         Focus each day on your chosen goal with complete clarity. Positive energy does not flow when you have a lethargic or lack luster attitude; everything in your life demands your undivided attention.

·         There will of course, be moments when you feel bad. The easiest way to come out of this is to first identify and accept how you are feeling in the moment. Monitor your feelings very closely. Do not share your feelings with anyone. Closely witness them yourself.  Looking deep within is called introspection. Some physical exercises such as deep breathing contracting your abdomen for the out breath and inflating your abdomen for the in breath with slow exhalation and inhalation from your mouth greatly reduces your stress and fear.

Your relationships can sometimes go bad for a number of reasons. John McGrath Healer says we do not like to admit it but generally relationshipsgo sour because of our own false ego and our own self-importance and also our unnecessary attachment to our internal conversations. Every human being is different and the more you detach yourself from your own thoughts, the more you can easily mingle with other people.

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